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The children's home was established in October of 2015, under the direction of Carl & Michelle Gormley. There are on average 25 children living on-site monthly. Children that enter the home come from different backgrounds; some were rescued from the streets, others taken out of abusive households, and many come from families broken by drugs, poverty or even incarceration. We have an amazing staff of 16, comprised of house parents, care takers, social worker and support staff. The home aims to show God's love to each child for however long they are meant to be with us


Bahay Sibol exists to nurture hope in the hearts and lives of hurting children by offering a Christ-centered, love-based, felt-safety home and family where physical, emotional and spiritual needs are addressed through the love of God and His servants.



Bahay Sibol will endeavor to be a home and family to orphaned, abandoned and at-risk children while working to introduce them to safe, loving, permanent homes.  Bahay Sibol will endeavor to provide basic needs for a life of hope and direction:  sufficient food, shelter, and clothing, a high-quality education based on Christian beliefs, Bible-based discipline and mentoring towards good character and a lifestyle of integrity.

Bahay Sibol will endeavor to provide a family and home atmosphere, while working towards stabilizing a future family for each child; may it be through reunification, kinship placements, or adoption.  As is needed, Bahay Sibol will endeavor to be a supportive home and family, far into their future as independent adults who have been equipped and are ready to have families of their own.

In doing so, we desire to raise up God-fearing adults who are compassionate members of their community that, together with their families, love God, each other and their community with their whole mind, body, and soul.



Our over-all goal for each child is preparation for life.  That preparation will look different for every child, based on their unique situation, which will be specifically addressed for each individual child.  For the sake of organization in general, however, we have 4 main goals:


  1. To build a home that consists of facilities and resources that house, protect, and provide for  the basic needs for life, including but not limited to:  food, shelter, clothing, education, physical health, emotional well-being and spiritual growth.

  2. To surround children with a set of ‘family’ members who will nurture, guide, protect and provide emotionally stability to each child under their care as joy is cultivated through a sense of genuine love and belonging.

  3. To exhaust all efforts and resources available to unite or reunite each child with a family of their very own; whether it be through reunification, kinship placement, or adoption.

  4. To establish such a familial bond with each child, such that as is needed, they have the confidence to depend on our family for love, support and connection throughout their lives as independent adults.


The basis for all we do can be found in our five core values: faith, family, integrity, compassion, and hope.

1. We value FAITH in God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

2. We value FAMILY as the first and foremost institution established by God and the basic right for every child.

3. We value INTEGRITY as the basis for how individuals and organizations must behave themselves in order to achieve true success.

4. We value COMPASSION for those sectors and people in our community who are in need of the kind of grace, mercy and help that is only possible through Christ-like love.

5. We value HOPE in the future of our community and our world through each individual life of a child that can be changed forever through Bahay Sibol by God's will and wisdom.

E I G H T   Y E A R S

Listen to "Pag-sibol" written for our 7th Anniversary released in 2022

S E V E N   Y E A R S

Listen to "Pag-sibol" written for our 7th Anniversary released in 2022


Registration no.: DSWD - FOIII - R - 00013 - 2020

Accreditation no.: DSWD - SB - A - 000023 - 2021

License no.: DSWD - FOIII - RL - 0004 - 2015

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